If you are bringing your child to school each day or picking your child up, we ask that you use the parking lot on the west side (19th StreetSide) of our building. In the mornings, we ask that you enter the parking lot at the double gates and exit through the gate at the northwest corner. A principal is available each morning to help your child into the building. In the afternoons, when you are picking your child up, we ask that you enter through the gate at the northwest corner. A dismissal team of teachers will be there to direct you. You will form straight lines and your child will be walked to your car and placed in your automobile. Please do not use the front parking lot (south side of building) for student drop-off or pick-up.
Children who ride a bus to school or home will load and unload from the buses under the covered parking area. Please refrain from parking in this area between 7:15-8:00 am or 2:00-3:15 pm.
Crossing Guards
Children who walk home will use the front sidewalk. At each end, we have personnel to help your child cross the street safely.
Daycare Riders
We use 18th Street side for daycare pick-up in the afternoons as well. Teachers will help these children into the daycare buses.
We have been using this system for several years. It has proven to be the safest for our students. We would appreciate your cooperation in using these procedures.